Simplifying Our LivesWritten by Christina Bieche, MSEd, LCPC, NCCSimplifying our lives is not an easy task especially when it feels like we can never catch a break. Trust me…I get it. Life happens. It happens big. And it can be distracting. Other people rely on you. Things happen outside of your control. And usually not just one thing at a time. But a lot of stuff all at once. It can be overwhelming which makes it hard to stay focused. But you know, that is really what life is….a series of events that just happen – many of which we can’t control or even prepare for! And if we aren’t careful, we can let all the things that happen derail us from what we really want in life. So, how do we stay on track?
The key is to make a daily practice of remembering what you want. And not just the goals that you want but the feelings that you want to feel. For the most part – we are all emotional creatures. All the goals we set, we set because we want to feel a certain way. When you think about the goals you want to set – ask yourself – what are the feelings you are actually going for? Perhaps the finances you want to create are because you want to feel protected and free. Perhaps you want the relationship so that you can feel love and connection. Maybe you want the promotion or ideal job so you can feel worthy. Don’t get me wrong…these are all wonderful things. But – we must also look at the actual end goal. We must start from where we want to end, instead of the other way around. So, look at your goals. Try to find the emotions you are looking for in setting these goals. Let’s say it’s – feeling worthy. So instead of going out and chasing a sense of worth. Ask this question: What can I do today to feel worthy? The answer may surprise you! And how can you remember to never forget this? How can you not get caught up in life? By making this a daily practice…maybe it will be the new way you start each day…and knowing that it will take time to shift the perspective. Be patient! So – what do you want to feel today? And what can your new daily practice of remembering be? If you are interested in counseling, call OakHeart at 630-570-0050 or 779-201-6440 or email us at [email protected]. We have counselors, psychologists, and social workers available to help you at one of our locations in North Aurora, IL, Sycamore, IL, and/or via Telehealth Online Therapy Services serving Kane County, DeKalb County, Dupage County, and beyond. Comments are closed.