If getting help to address your self-esteem issues seems scary, don’t worry, we understand, and you are not alone. Our therapists are here to guide you every step of the way, by providing you with every tool necessary to work toward developing a healthier self-image. We look forward to helping you on your journey.
OakHeart Self-Esteem Counselors, Psychologists, and Social Workers
Self-Esteem Related Blogs:
If you find that you're often putting yourself last in order of priority, then some lessons in self-nurturing may be helpful. Since we often give every last bit of our energy and time to our families, jobs, and daily responsibilities…nurturing ourselves becomes even more of a priority. Why is self-nurturing important? That’s a great question! As popular as the term “self-care” has become, too many of us still tend to forget ourselves in favor of others. Yet, ironically, the more we neglect our own needs, the less able we are to care for our family, our friends, our volunteer causes, and other important areas in life. Let’s remember what the word “nurture” actually means. Originally, it meant “to feed or nourish,” and I believe that can be interpreted both literally and figuratively...(to read more, click on the link above).
The dictionary definition of the word self-love is defined as an appreciation of one's own worth; proper regard for and attention to one's own happiness or well-being. In my professional experience, I have noticed that a lot of individuals worry that loving and having pride in themselves equates to being conceited or narcissistic. When working on improving your own self-love, that means working on accepting yourself fully, treating yourself with kindness and respect, and helping facilitate your own growth and wellbeing. It not only encompasses how you treat yourself, but also your own thoughts and feelings about yourself. I have to point out that this does not mean having a 24/7 positive view of self, as that may be unrealistic, but we want to get to a place where we can have a majority of positive views and positive treatment of oneself than not...(to read more, click on the link above).